There are many pharmaceutical prescribed products such as **** that are intended to help with nerve damage. But do they really work? And what are the side effects? In this article I will show you 5 proven natural remedies which will help ease the pain and nerve damage.
Here is a list of some of the natural herbs and mushrooms that help relieve nerve damage.
Many of these natural remedies are derived from Native Americans and indigenous knowledge. According to the pharmacopoeia of 1910, more than 80% of the ingredients in drugs were derived from Native American formulas. So why not get rid of the middle man (pharmaceuticals)? Here are other reasons to go natural over pharmaceuticals.
- Pharmaceutical companies isolate a single ingredient., leaving other important ingredients behind. Many indigenous medicine people believe this is why there are so many side effects.
- By taking natural ingredients you are also using the other ingredients that prevent any side effects.
Yet, despite these insured ways of doing SEO (it’s pretty much the most important things you can do), I will still admit to you (any legitimate SEO expert will admit this too), that it’s still IMPOSSIBLE to rank on the first spot or page on Google for every single keyword you attempt to do it for.
And this is especially the case for the more higher volume/higher competition keywords you try to appear for. So moving forward, I need you to understand that while my approach WORKS, its not a complete guarantee.
However, any improvement to your existing, bad rankings is better than nothing right?
Well if you agree with this, and you want to get more traffic, then I promise you, my 10 ways WILL help you get closer to that at the very least, and at the very most, you’ll still get more traffic than you did before. I’m certainly practicing these methods, and I wouldn’t be doing it, if I knew they were a waste of time, so you already know I’m not aiming to waste yours…
Contents [hide]
- 1 Again, there’s actually 15 methods (There’s a video below showing them for extra help):
- 2 Anyway here are the first 10:
- 3 Now this is what I want you to do (good homework for you):
- 4 Next, only use the next 3 methods if…
- 5 Here are the next 5 methods:
- 6 These 15 methods will 100% raise your rankings, but…
- 7 I’ve got another great tip for improving your Google Rankings: Updating dates.
- 8 So just for reference, here’s ALL 15 methods listed out:
- 9 Update: I’ve created a video listing all 15 methods:
Again, there’s actually 15 methods (There’s a video below showing them for extra help):
The first 10 methods are actually an insurance to make sure your page does as best as it can in the SERPS initially, and the next 5 methods will actually explain what to do if the first 10 aren’t enough to do it, which MAY happen.
So consider the extra 5 methods as extra insurance. More methods used = more chances of higher positions, and who would be against that?
Anyway here are the first 10:
Now if ANY of these 10 things I just listed are new to you are things you do not understand or need more clarity on, I’ve got great news:
Read this post where I literally detail each one and explain how they IMPROVE positioning on Google.
The fact of the matter is that each of these things I just listed are all ensuring that you’re producing high quality content on your page that is optimized for both Google to spot it and rank it easily, and when people read it, to have them have an enjoyable reading experience that is noted by Google, to also help push it further up in the SERPS.
These are current, past and future trends you WILL want to practice for great SEO results.
Now this is what I want you to do (good homework for you):
1) Go through every single article you have on your site, and optimize it according to those 10 things. Make absolutely sure you are NOT changing ANY permalink on ANY page (method 2 on the list), because if you do, you are going to create 404 errors.
So just don’t touch it, only change the title and content, but leave the link (permalink) intact.
2) As you create NEW content (and you need to if you wish to get higher rankings for the site and past pages), ALSO use these 10 tips whilst it’s being made, then publish it once you know the new article you created has all 10 tips included.
Next, only use the next 3 methods if…
Your site is OVER 6 months old.
If your site is NOT this old, and you updated your old and new articles with the methods above, do not touch them, just optimize it once and leave it alone while publishing new articles.
What happens to sites that are under 6 months old is that they are in the Google Sandbox, and until that period passes, it won’t matter how much you optimize your pages, they will not rank well. So while you should use these 10 tips I gave on existing and new pages, if your site is in the Google Sandbox, ONLY optimize it once, then leave it alone.
A lot of people do not know about the sandbox and expect a new site to rank high, early. This will NOT happen until 6 months pass, so let that period go by, then see if the rankings pick up. If they do, just don’t touch it and let it pick up organically.
You did the 10 things, your site is not in the sandbox, but you’re still not ranking high.
Let’s say I published content following the 10 guidelines and I did it after my site was no longer in the sandbox. Now I’ll wait at least a month and track the rankings.
How do you track keyword rankings? Here’s one free option.
If I see that it’s very stagnant (not rising at all), I will implement the next 5 following methods I’ll describe to you.
Here are the next 5 methods:
Do note that you don’t need to do all 5, but the more of them that you do, the better it’ll impact the positioning of your page.
1) Create a YouTube video and link it to the page that isn’t ranking well.
YouTube itself is an awesome place to create content and allows you to link those videos to any page you want. For SEO and ranking purposes, link the video/s you create to the page that needs a boost. Obviously, make sure your videos are actually high quality in how the content is presented.
What happens here is that this method provides an extra, high quality backlink to your particular page that needs SEO help. I have a very good example to share with you where I did this very thing for a client and it helped his website climb to the first page.
You can also create multiple YouTube videos and link it to the same page if necessary.
For example:
Let’s suppose I write an article on 10 body language signs that show lies and the article follows through with the 10 tips laid out above.
The site it’s on is over 6 months, and after publishing this article, a month goes by and I find that the article isn’t doing well in Google, and that it hasn’t experienced any improvement.
What I’ll do is, I’ll go to YouTube, create a video on the same subject and then link it to the very same article. That’s how this method works.
2) Publish new content and interlink it to the one/s which aren’t ranking well.
If there is one method I suggest you use to get higher rankings for your site overall, it’s to frequently publish new content. It creates new opportunities for your page to rank for other keywords and being that the more you do this, there’s more chances that more of this new content created will actually rank on the first page.
In fact, if I do everything I listed on this article and it still doesn’t raise it high enough to hit page 1 spots, I’ll keep publishing new content and finding other keywords to rank for. At least this way, I will continue to grow my site and it’s rankings.
But the purpose of this specific method, besides being good for SEO overall, is that the new content created itself should follow the 10 tips I outlined, particularly tip #5, which is internally linking and in this case, internally linking to the very same article/post that we want to get ranked higher.
3) Open up a comments section, add a share button, and encourage shares and comments within your article.
This method should itself be mandatory for every article you create, but you’d be surprised to know how people literally leave these things out of their websites and it literally can cause rankings to tank. Make sure whatever settings you use on your website (WordPress is my preferred option since it makes this easy) allow for people to actually comment on your content and share it.
Opening up the site itself for comments is literally something that takes a few clicks.
Adding the option to share the content you make is literally just adding a plugin that makes it pop up on your site. On my page, I am using the Social Pug plugin.
This very action improves rankings:
4) Improve the content (in it’s quality and in it’s quantity).
Many people who post content tend to overrate the value and quality of it and if you see that the content you post isn’t doing well, one reason why is because it needs to improve it’s quality. There’s nothing wrong with going back into a post/article that already doesn’t do well on Google and…
- Redoing it.
- Deleting sections of it and adding new, updated info.
- Just adding new content to it.
For example, suppose you reviewed a product that you rated well and news comes out that it’s bad. You would want to update your article in that case to reflect the updated information, because if people read your article and see the information is outdated (due to the news), they will negatively view your content and leave, which will affect Google rankings.
When you make these changes, you are taking steps to improve the content of the article and that already gives it better chances to get higher positions than it did before. I still do this day, look at old articles I’ve written and sometimes update them.
5) When all the changes are made, use Google fetch option.
If significant changes are made to an existing article/post you have that wasn’t doing well, make sure you let Google know about it by using the fetch tool. They will find it faster this way and while it will basically “reset” the process of the article/post ranking, it’ll set it up to have higher and better chances of hitting higher positions this time around.
These 15 methods will 100% raise your rankings, but…
Like I said before, they will NOT 100% guarantee that this rise will make the page/s hit page 1 or position 1 on Google. It is very important to know there is no such site that literally occupies position 1 on Google for every single keyword it attempts to chase.
Know that if you did not get the desired results, and that the page, despite these 15 methods did not hit the first page/spot, that you should not worry about it and continue to focus on method 12 (build up more content).
I find that many people dwell far too much on having one page with 1 targeted keyword rank high and if it doesn’t, they overspend too much time and energy trying to make it rise, when at the same time, that effort could be put to writing more content, publishing it for other keywords and getting the traffic from those efforts.
Remember, if it doesn’t rank high despite the effort you put in, let it go and continue to build the site through other keywords you’re targeting, and make sure all of them are also following the same 10 original methods.
You will find that this approach will build up your SEO, your rankings and grow your site beyond what you expected, trust me!
I’ve got another great tip for improving your Google Rankings: Updating dates.
One of the SEO experts I consult with has been suggesting that whenever you go back and make edits to previous articles or blogs on your site, that you should also update the date of that post, before you fetch it again, to show Google that you’ve made changes and updates to it.
Now while Google will see itself (without the date change) that you’ve done this, from a visual perspective, it helps the reader see that the article they are reading isn’t that old. Plus, this same individual who I trust showed me a number of cases where this updated date method has helped his pages improve in ranking on Google.
Changing dates (updating them) should only be done if you indeed make true updates to the said content that you wish to get to rank higher. So for example, as I made edits and updates to this article (adding in the new tip), I am going to change the date this article was originally published which was on March 18th, 2019 to April 20th, 2019, aka when the edits were made.
So just for reference, here’s ALL 15 methods listed out:
Update: I’ve created a video listing all 15 methods:
And just so you see that these methods DO work, here’s one of my websites which I’ve been applying this too (individually across each page and post):
And for this site, I have barely been putting up new content. The MAIN focus I had was optimizing my old posts and this is actually still considered a form of creating NEW, improved content, which counts just as equally for your rankings.